The topic of sustainability continues to gain momentum in the pharmaceutical industry and beyond. In 2022 we saw more than 100 health systems sign on to the Biden administration’s greenhouse gas and climate resilience pledge. Additionally, many of the same companies teamed up as part of the Sustainable Market’s Initiative health systems task force to decarbonize the industry’s supply chain. In both cases there’s an increasing commitment to dig deeper into the carbon footprint of suppliers.
We recognize the importance of a universal approach to assessing sustainability–using the same assessment tool the pharmaceutical companies we partner with know and trust. That’s why we’re working within the EcoVadis platform to assess and improve our sustainability rating. EcoVadis provides a common platform, universal scorecard, benchmarks and improvement tools to more than 100,000 companies globally.
As a bronze medal honoree, Peli BioThermal is currently in the top 50 percent of companies across industries for sustainability. To learn more about EcoVadis and how they support companies in improving their sustainability initiatives, visit their website.