Crēdo™ Go Shippers for Commercial Pharmaceutical Shipments

Jun 2, 2023

Bringing a commercial product to market is no small feat. There are new challenges not seen in drug discovery or clinical trials.

When shipping large volumes of pharmaceutical products, temperature excursions mean the difference between profit and loss. Whether working with small molecule or large molecule biologic drugs that require even more precise temperature control, Peli BioThermal offers solutions that protect payloads ranging from sub -65 degrees Celsius to ambient room temperature. Peli BioThermal works to find the right temperature controlled solutions, even for the most challenging shipping lanes.

Peli BioThermal’s newest solution is thermally and dimensionally flexible, catering for variable lane challenges, temperature control requirements and payload shapes. Crēdo™ Go temperature controlled shippers are offered in 2-83L volumes and temperature ranges including control room temperature, refrigerated and frozen. It is an ideal shipper for life sciences organizations shipping high volumes of drug products, active pharmaceutical ingredients or other life sciences materials for commercial distribution. Learn more about Crēdo™ Go shippers in the video below.

Credo™ Go easy to pack out and implement